Friday, January 10, 2014

BioProtect Locks Down Your iPhone Apps with Your Fingerprint

iPhone (Jailbroken): The fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 5s only offers a few functions, but with a jailbreak tweak called BioProtect you can lock down specific apps as well.
BioProtect Locks Down Your iPhone Apps with Your Fingerprint
BioProtect installs through Cydia like any other option—just search for it, pay $3, and download. It doesn't create an app, however, but rather exists in your iPhone's Settings app. From there you can choose a theme to match the color of your phone (or not) and which apps to protect. Any app you enable will require a fingerprint scan each time you open it up. You can also toggle a few little things like vibration on failure and configure your Touch ID settings. Other than that, it doesn't do much else. For $3, however, you get a lot more control over the security of your apps. Now we just need to get something that allows disabling the fingerprint protection where we don't want it.

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