Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Full-screen video ads may soon come to your favourite iPhone apps

Apple will be altering its iAd platform to allow full-screen advertisements on the iPhone, giving advertisers and developers a better chance to monetise their apps.
The change will come in the near future, according to AdAge, bringing along the feeling of television advertisements by taking up the full screen of the device. The full-screen advertisements will be "interstitial", meaning they'll appear when games or apps transition to another screen.
Apple declined to comment on the rumoured change.
It will mark the first major change to iAd since its launch in 2010, a platform that has failed to gain stream with advertising agencies and developers.
iAd has allowed for full-screen iPad advertisements on Newsstand in the past, but expanding it to iPhone and all apps on the App Store could mean more money for businesses, and clicks from you, the user.
iAds are considered some of the best designed and displayed mobile advertisements in the business, but because of high rates from Apple scaring away potential advertisers, it makes it hard for developers to serve up the number of advertisements they would like.
Thus AdMob, Flurry, and others have made for a better way for developers to monetise their apps. Perhaps with the full-screen change, Apple could compel more people back to their platform.
For users: beware, you may see full-screen advertisements more prevalent in your favourite free apps and games - as long as they're using iAd.

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