Monday, July 21, 2014

Spotify adds equaliser function to iPhone and iPad apps


MUSIC STREAMING SERVICE Spotify has released an update to its iOS app that delivers equaliser functionality to iPhone and iPad users.
Spotify's new equaliser feature boasts 22 audio presets, including hip-hop, electronic, acoustic and classical. Spotify said that users will also be able to set their own equaliser settings within the app, using Settings > Playback > Equaliser.
Spotify VP of products Sten Garmark said, "A lot of our uses have been asking for a built-in equaliser for a while not and it's currently one of our most requested features on iOS.
"The Equaliser lets you adjust your audio settings based on the type of music you're listing to, or the device you're listening on, be that small speakers or portable headphones. Now you have even more control of your music."
In the update, which bumps Spotify for iOS to version 1.5.0, users will now find that the Discover feature has been moved to the Browse tab, which the firm claims allows for even simpler music discovery.
News of Spotify's app update comes a day after it was revealed that Apple had picked up radio streaming service Swell, as it looks to beef up its Podcasts app and its own iTunes Radio service. The firm is no doubt hoping that it will be able to challenge Spotify with iTunes, although the service has yet to arrive in the UK.

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