Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Alpha smartphone, a device that makes limited use of metal and is expected to be the company’s response to the upcoming iPhone 6, has appeared in plenty of leaks so far, which have revealed not only its main specs and features, but also its design. Following a set of Galaxy Alpha images from earlier this week that showed the white version of the handset, a Twitter leaker @culeaks posted hands-on images showing the same handset, including a comparison with the existing iPhone 5s model.
The Galaxy Alpha model shown in these images is black and has a metal frame with chamfered edges, consistent with what previous leaks have revealed. However, the back case is still made of plastic, sporting a textured finish just like other Samsung smartphones and tablets.
As you can see in the images below, the Galaxy Alpha is significantly thinner than the iPhone 5s, except for the bulkier, protruding rear camera. Thus, Samsung may be preparing to better compete against a similarly thinner iPhone 6 model that’s also said to measure just 6mm in thickness, 1.6mm thinner than the iPhone 5s.
In addition to these latest leaked images, @culeaks mentions several specs for the handset, including a 4.7-inch 720p display, Exynos octa-core processor, 2GB of RAM, 12-megapixel camera, 1,850mAh battery and Android 4.4.4 KitKat running the show.
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